Welcome to Polymathic Dromomania

Welcome to Polymathic Dromomania. Odds are you're not here by accident, but if you are, stick around. New friends are always an adventure worth taking.

Now, a Polymathic Dromomaniac (as we're called around here) is not some exotic, math-loving dinosaur. A polymath is someone who believes in the humanistic ideal and tries to learn as much in as many fields of study as possible.

Dromomania is the condition of having a strong mental and physical desire to travel and experience new things.

So, Polymathic Dromomania is as good a way as any to describe my endless search for knowledge. This blog is a chance to learn and do something new, and maybe chronicle things along the way.

Expect updates when you see them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pax Vagari

A couple of Sundays ago, I was having lunch with two friends of mine, and one of them asked what I was going to do with my summer before things really get busy this fall. I don't think I really answered that question as fully as I could have. Allow me to correct that.

My plans before school starts in August include seeing my friends and family on every occasion that crops up, taking any opportunity that comes around to do something I enjoy, delving deeply in the stories of Robert E. Howard, rediscovering my love of comics, taking a vacation to D.C. before I start my legal studies, making plans and setting things up so I can concentrate on school when the time comes, and welcoming whatever comes everyday as a new adventure.

I've entered a period of my life that I call the Pax Vagari: peaceful wanderings.

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